Hello world!
My name is Martin and I am passionate about traditional archery. This website serves as my private blog. I started 3D archery about 3 years ago and quickly it has become a great hobby. As a beginner I had to realize that it is a very complex sport after all, if you are an impatient person like me. A lot of things were unclear to me in the beginning and my performance did not improve. It was sometimes like hitting a wall.
After being gently persuaded (forced) to go to a tournament with club mates after all, the skills have become more and more refined. I am still far from perfect. But I am on a good way. This way leads me again and again through the woods on 3D courses. The best part of archery for me is that I am constantly working on myself and my technique. I shoot without sights and from there it is up to me if I hit or not my target.
I want this blog to inspire archers who are in search of knowledge, just as I am. Every piece of knowledge is another arrow in our quiver. I have read a lot of things, tried a lot of things and discarded a lot of things. But I have gone my way step by step. Maybe I can contribute to the fact that one or the other finds his way better in the jumble of information, and thus also give something back to the community, which also supported me in the beginning.